The International Association of Wagner Societies (RWVI) unites some 130 Associations around the world. As a German-based Organisation it was founded in 1909 but “internationalised” in 1991 to render all Wagner Societies around the world eligible for membership. The Wagner Society of Scotland is rightly proud to be a member. While many composers have locally or nationally based societies dedicated to their works, no other composer has inspired such a world-wide network of supporting societies. There is much pleasure to be gained from being part of that word-wide family of Wagner lovers.
The purpose of the RWVI mirrors our own, namely to promote and deepen the understanding of Richard Wagner’s works and provides support for the next generation of artists through the Richard-Wagner-Stipendienstiftung (Richard Wagner Scholarship Foundation) founded at the Composer’s behest, to which this Society sends a Scholar every year. The RWVI also works to ensure the continued success of the Bayreuth Festival.
2025 meetings of the RWVI delegates
May 16-18 2025
Due to the cancellation of the 2025 Congress, the Presidium has decided to hold only an Assembly of Delegates in Bayreuth. This is a one-off event, as another regular Congress will take place in 2026: in Cologne.
Why go to Bayreuth in 2025? Given the situation in which the RWVI finds itself, the presidium believes that we should literally go back to basics together, with Bayreuth as the original source.
The theme of the two days will be: working together with a vision!
The aim of the meeting in Bayreuth is therefore to jointly set out new lines centered on reorientation, vision and ambition. All this should materialize in a clear and concise strategic policy plan 2025 – 2029, including a multi-year financial framework.
The Assembly of Delegates will take place on May 17, 2025.
A limited but attractive program will be organized around the Assembly, with socializing and conviviality being paramount. Therefore, the greeting will be on Friday May 16 at 7pm and the closing on Sunday May 18 at 11am.
The format of the meeting is hybrid to allow digital participation from around the world.