Richard Wagner (1813-1883) was the dominant figure of German opera in the 19th century. His art and writings had an enormous impact on music, opera, theatre, design, painting, literature, politics and philosophy that still reverberates today. There is an annual festival at Bayreuth in Bavaria in the Festival Theatre designed by Wagner for the performance of his music dramas (and those of other selected composers!) . It opened in 1876 with the premiere of Der Ring des Nibelungen as a complete cycle.

The Society and Aims

Scottish Registered Charity No: SCO28209

The Society’s aim is to promote the knowledge and appreciation of the life & works of Richard Wagner.

The Wagner Society of Scotland was founded in 1984 under Derek Watson’s chairmanship.  After Derek’s retiral in 2013, a new Committee was elected with Dale Bilsland as Chair, serving until 2017 when Derek Williams was elected.

Our patron is Edinburgh-born, internationally renowned conductor Donald Runnicles OBE; honorary members are Richard Armstrong CBE, Linda Esther Gray, Sir Brian McMaster CBE and John Wallace CBE.

The Wagner Society of Scotland is one of some 130 societies worldwide affiliated to the International Richard Wagner Society. You can visit their website at:

We hold meetings monthly from October to May/June and a study course in the summer.  Meetings are generally held on Sundays at 6.30pm using Zoom, unless otherwise indicated.  Please visit the Events page for the current programme.

We welcome guests to our talks, and offer substantial discounts should you decide to become a member.  Students are eligible for free membership and attendance at the talks.

Please have a browse through the site, and we very much look forward to welcoming you to one of our upcoming events!

Programme of meetings

We hold meetings monthly from October to May/June and a study course in the summer. Meetings are held on Sundays at 6.30 pm on Zoom, unless otherwise indicated.

Our current programme can be seen by clicking the Events tab.

Selected highlights of past programmes can be seen by clicking the past highlights drop down on the events tab

Study Courses

We hold a summer course each year studying Wagner’s operas in more detail. You can find more details about the courses here.


We issue three Newsletters per year. These can be viewed by clicking the Newsletter tab.


We have issued four volumes of a scholarly Journal since 2003 and a Bulletin in 2013. You can read about these publications and how to obtain copies here.

Bayreuth Scholarship Fund

Over the years we have built up a Fund to enable a young person involved in music or theatre to attend the Bayreuth Festival. More details about the scholarship, past winners, eligibility and how to apply can be found here


The Wagner Society of Scotland is registered as a Scottish Charity number SCO2820. It is run by a Committee and governed by a Constitution which you can see by clicking on the document here.

Current Committee:

Chair:  Derek Williams

Secretary:  John Anderton

Treasurer : Ian McLennan

Membership Secretary:  Alberto Massimo

Newsletter Editor:  David Graham

Bayreuth Tickets and Scholarship: Gabriele Kuhn

Courses:  Robert McCutcheon

Website:  Christine Proudfoot

Committee Member:  Robert Brady

Committee Member:  Timothy Gould

Committee Member:  Susi Liles

Committee Member:  Susan Vincent

Committee Member:  John Willmett

Contact details of office bearers can be seen at the foot of this page

Suggestions for improvements from members are always welcome and should be sent to the Chair and/or Secretary.