Forthcoming Events
Owing to ongoing concerns re Covid-19, all talks will be delivered over Zoom, unless otherwise indicated, from 6.30-8.30 pm. Members are not required to pre-book on Eventbrite. Non-members are welcome to attend, and they should book on Eventbrite via the link provided for each event. A notice will be sent to members of the Society one month before each talk with Zoom details if appropriate. A link to the Zoom meeting will be sent to non-members who book on Eventbrite.
Zoom: £5 for non-members, free for members. Free for students.
Student membership of the Society is free.
29th October – 7.00 pm. Please note this is a Tuesday. This will be a joint Zoom event with the Wagner Societies in London and Manchester, hosted by London. Members will receive the Zoom link from their own society. Non-members who book through the Wagner Society of Scotland on Eventbrite will receive the Zoom link from us.
Ulrich Jagels – “View Behind the Scenes at the Bayreuth Festspiele”
Managing Director of the Bayreuth Festival.

24th November – 6.30 pm
Rachel Nicholls (Soprano) in conversation with Derek Williams
8th December – 6.30 pm. In-person event at Edinburgh Society of Musicians, 5 Belford Road, Edinburgh EH4 3BL
Annual General Meeting (Members only) Members will be sent the Zoom link in advance.
followed by Laurence Dreyfus – “Wagner and the Erotic Impulse in Munich” Non-members may attend this part of the event.
Professor Laurence Dreyfus is emeritus professor at the University of Oxford. Professor Dreyfus is the author of the award-winning book ‘Wagner and the Erotic Impulse’, which was the American Musicology Society best book of the year in 2010. Professor Dreyfus is both a noted Bach and Wagner scholar, as well as an expert performer. He founded the viol consort Phantasm which went on to win a gramophone award, and collaborated with Sylvia Mcnair in a grammy winning album of Purcell songs. Alex Ross describes the book as an illuminating study “which shows how Wagner’s obsession with sexuality prefigured the composition of operas such as Tannhauser, Die Walkure, Tristan und Isolde and Parsifal”. Professor Dreyfus will talk about aspects of his award-winning book pertaining to Munich.
26th January 6.30 pm
Dr Patrick Carnegy, 15th Earl of Northesk – “Wagner’s Theatre – In Search of a Legacy”. In conversation with Derek Williams.
2nd February – 6.30 pm – Note change of date from 23rd February
Marc Weiner – “Wagner’s Anti-Semitism and its Relevance to his Music Dramas”
Professor Emeritus, Department of Germanic Studies, Indiana University.
In the second half of the 20th century there was widespread reticence, both in Wagnerian scholarship and in the general public alike, to acknowledge and discuss Richard Wagner’s antisemitism, and a refusal to recognize its role in the understanding of his music dramas. But an appreciation of the composer’s thoughts concerning the allegedly nefarious danger Jews posed to the development of German art and society is essential to assessing both the construction of various individual dramatic characters and the ideological implications of the dramatic machinations of many of Wagner’s most celebrated works for the stage.
30th March – 6.30 pm. In-person Event at Edinburgh Society of Musicians, 5 Belford Road, Edinburgh EH4 3BL Wine, soft drinks and nibbles will be available for a donation. (This will be a hybrid event.) REMINDER: British Summer Time will commence at 1.00 a.m. on this date, when clocks will go FORWARD by ONE HOUR.
Hans Rudolf Vaget – “Es Lebe Amerika!” Richard Wagner and the New World
20th April – 6.30 pm
Richard Bell – “The theology of Tristan und Isolde”
18th May – 6.30 pm
Reverend Professor Patrick S Cheng – “Wagner from a Queer Perspective”
Musicians and scholars, renowned for their Wagner interpretation and knowledge will perform and share their experiences and opinions about Richard Wagner and his most famous work. Spread throughout the week will be screenings of the Bayreuth1992 – Kupfer/Barenboim Ring production.Opening the week, scholar Michael Downes, will talk about his recently published book Story of the Century: Wagner and the Creation of The Ring.
On the second day there will be recital by Susan Bullock and emerging star Laura Margaret Smith. A programme will include the Wesendonck Lieder and extracts from Götterdämmerung.
Conductor Lionel Friend who worked closely with Barenboim on the production being screened will deliver four 60 minute talks. With musical illustrations at the piano and from recordings, Lionel will look into various aspects of Wagner’s Ring cycle: its origins, text, characters and music to see how Wagner explores the frailties and triumphs of human nature.
On Tuesday evening Keith Warner, opera director, will talk about his work and the challenges of working on this scale and often provocative themes.
The final day will begin with a talk by one of the great interpreters of the often misunderstood character, Wotan, Sir John Tomlinson.
Saturday 22nd:
11am: ‘Story of the Century: Wagner and the Creation of the Ring’ – Michael Downes
2.30pm: Talk 1 – Lionel Friend
4pm: Talk 2 – Lionel Friend
Sunday 23rd:
2.30pm: Talk 3 – Lionel Friend
4pm: Talk 4 – Lionel Friend
7pm: Susan Bullock and Laura Margaret Smith recital:
Götterdämmerung Act I, Scene 3 – Brünnhilde, Waltraute (Susan Bullock, Laura Margaret Smith, accompanied by Lionel Friend – c25′)
Das Rheingold, Scene 4 – Erda (Laura Margaret Smith, accompanied by Lionel Friend – c6′)
Götterdämmerung Act III, Scene 3 – Brünnhilde “Immolation” (Susan Bullock, accompanied by Lionel Friend – c15′)
Monday 24th:
7pm: Das RheingoldTuesday 25th:
6pm: An evening with Keith Warner
Wednesday 26th:
5.30pm: Die Walküre
Thursday 27th: Free day
Friday 28th:
5.30pm: Siegfried
Saturday 1st March:
11pm: Sir John Tomlinson talk/performance and Q&A
5pm: Götterdämmerung
Light refreshments will be provided during the intervals of the screenings on 26th, 28th and 1st. ‘Discover The Ring’