The Bayreuth Scholarship


This scholarship is offered annually by the Wagner Society of Scotland in association with the Richard Wagner Scholarship Foundation (Richard-Wagner-Stipendienstiftung) in Bayreuth.  It is offered to applicants aged between 18 and 35 years old who fulfil the criteria below.  The successful applicant receives tickets for the Bayreuth Festival, a programme of tours and events there, and funds to defray the cost of travel expenses, meals and accommodation.

What are the aims of the Scholarship?

Wagner conceived of his festival in Bayreuth as a people’s festival along the lines of those that took place in ancient Greece. Thus, he wanted to make attendance completely free as had then been the case. Since this was not possible for understandable reasons, in 1882, a year before his death, he established a new fund that should facilitate free attendance, if necessary including travel and accommodation costs for friends of my art who visit the Festival. Thus, the Richard Wagner Scholarship Fund was established. It aims to broaden and deepen the notion of the Bayreuth Festival. To achieve this, it enables attendance at several performances for “gifted up-and-coming musicians, singers or other artists, who might come into consideration in due course for the orchestra or stage at the Bayreuth Festival”. Today this is financed with contributions from Wagner Societies around the world who are affiliated to the International Association of Wagner Societies [Richard-Wagner-Verband International]. The Gesellschaft der Freunde von Bayreuthalso gives a subsidy.

What are the benefits of the Scholarship?

The winner will receive tickets for three performances and a Concert by previous winners.

In addition the Richard Wagner Scholarship Foundation will arrange lectures, a tour of the Festival Theatre, visits to the Wagner and Liszt museums and other sightseeing and social events. The successful applicant will also receive £1,000 to defray the cost of travel expenses, meals & accommodation.

Who can apply?

Candidates must be:

  • A singer, instrumentalist, conductor, composer and/or involved in theatre work, including direction, design and stage management and students of all those subjects.
  • Aged between 18 and 35 years old.
  • Scottish born; or resident in Scotland and enrolled as a full-time student at a Scottish educational establishment

Proof of talent is required in the form of a written endorsement from a university, college, academy, school, theatre, company or other professional support.

Interviews & Auditions

Depending on the number of applications received and candidates’ vocations, it may be necessary to audition or interview applicants, or to make further inquiries of their tutors/employers.

Rules & Conditions (subject to confirmation)

  1. Applications for the 2024 Scholarship must be received by the due date (13th January 2024) and will be acknowledged within seven days of receipt.
  2. A Candidate can receive a Scholarship only once but if unsuccessful can re-apply in subsequent years.
  3. The successful applicant is required to submit a short report to the Wagner Society of Scotland on their Bayreuth visit within a month of return for publication in our Newsletter and on our Website. Singers and instrumentalists may be offered a recital opportunity by the Society.
  4. Tickets allocated for Bayreuth Festival performances will be issued on a strictly personal basis, i.e. they can neither be sold nor transferred to a third party. If for any reason the candidate cannot attend a performance, the tickets must promptly be returned to the Richard Wagner Scholarship Foundation.
  5. If the candidate cannot for any reason take up the Scholarship, the Society must be informed without delay to enable us to offer the place to another applicant.

The 2024 Scholarship – Application Form

Completed Application Forms should be sent to:

Gabriele Kuhn, 95 The Moorings, Dalgety Bay KY11 9GP (Tel: 01383- 821 204) Email: